Are you a busy business owner juggling a thousand tasks a day? We get it - Instagram can be a major time suck, especially if it's not your forte. However, Instagram offers an incredible opportunity to connect with your audience, build a brand, and foster a thriving online community. 

That's where I come in - your friendly, neighborhood social media strategist. Think of me as your Instagram Fairy Godmother, here to wave my digital wand and take that Instagram burden off your shoulders. 

Welcome to your instagram oasis!

I know you've got a million other things to worry about, and staying consistent on Instagram shouldn't be one of them. With my help, we'll keep your Instagram in sync with your brand's unique personality, and we'll cultivate a vibrant online community that feels like one big, supportive neighborhood. 

So, let's make your Instagram blossom while you focus on what you do best - running your business. Together, we'll create a social media strategy that's as seamless and inviting to your audience. 

Ready to reclaim your time and amplify your online presence? Let's chat!

Social media managing

All Packages Include:
- Initial Instagram Audit 

- Initial Brand Meeting 

- Monthly Strategy

- Weekly IG Posts (includes editing, caption, hashtags, and scheduling) 

- Engagement 

- Stories 

- Monthly Analytical Report 

"Thanks for all the tips! I took so many notes!"

-comment from a live training

"Fantastic! This is something I've been thinking about for a while - thank you! This is the push I needed!"

-member who read my pinterest Engagement guide 

"I just did one. I should be asleep.. but I was too excited.. Look how fast my reel got views, and I got two new followers! What the.. wow!"

-member who took my advice on adding video to her instagram!